
Lawrence/Topeka RE Meetup

Lawrence Beer Company 826 Pennsylvania St, Lawrence, Kansas

If you are a real estate investor in Lawrence, Topeka, Eudora, Ottawa, or pretty much anywhere in NE Kansas feel free to join us. And, if you are wanting to [...]

Virtual Saint Louis REI meetup

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The STL REI Happy Hour Virtual Meet-Up presented by Mogul Realty Discussion about all things real estate-related. If you have questions about real estate -- flipping, buy and hold, property management, [...]

WIRED Monthly Happy Hour

What is WIRED? Women in Real Estate Development We are women already in the commercial real estate industry; investing, developing, or brokering real estate deals OR women looking to be [...]

Real Estate PROP-erty Shop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Don't miss out finding out what other people have (in terms of deals, money, buying ability, and knowledge) and what they want so you can build better relationships with them. [...]

Faster Buyers Club Monthly Meeting

The Waterbury Meeting Center 830 Waterbury Falls Drive, O'Fallon, Missouri

Meeting Agenda 6:00 – 6:30 pm Check-in and enjoy food/drinks 6:30 – 8:30 pm Meeting / Presentation 8:30 – 10:00 pm Drinks and Unstructured Networking The unstructured networking time gives everyone a chance [...]