
Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Topic: Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85165619556?pwd=VitIR3haSFBoeDdOb0lNRk04bGRaZz09 Meeting ID: 851 6561 9556 Passcode: hh3uzn One tap mobile +16469313860,,85165619556#,,,,*540083# [...]

Elevate REI Facebook Live

Virtual Event Virtual Event

I'll be talking about the current real estate market and providing insights into current trends. I'll also be answering any questions you may have.

Elevate REI Facebook Live

Virtual Event Virtual Event

I'll be talking about the current real estate market and providing insights into current trends. I'll also be answering any questions you may have.