
MAREI Virtual Live: Corporate Transparency Act

Online event

Go to the MAREI.org calendar to register and get the link for the event. As of 2024, the CTA requires owners of LLCs, corporations, and other legal entities to file a FinCEN report with the U.S. Treasury. Failure to report in a timely fashion can result in fines of $500/day. Now that officials have had [...]

Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Topic: Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85165619556?pwd=VitIR3haSFBoeDdOb0lNRk04bGRaZz09 Meeting ID: 851 6561 9556 Passcode: hh3uzn One tap mobile +16469313860,,85165619556#,,,,*540083# US +13017158592,,85165619556#,,,,*540083# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 309 205 3325 [...]

MAREI Virtual Live

Virtual Event Virtual Event

New feature for MAREI and our Kansas City Real Estate Investors Facebook Group. We will be hosting a live meeting on zoom with a guest speaker and Q & A. Open to Members and the Public. Sign up at www.MAREI.org/VirtualLive We've asked them to bring their knowledge so we can ask them questions.  Join us and [...]

REL 520, REL 695, and STLIPA Monthly Meeting

Brentwood Parks & Recreation 2505 S Brentwood Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri

NEW LOCATION...NEW LOCATION...NEW LOCATION... >>>>>>>>>>>Brentwood Parks & Recreation Department, >>>>>>>>>>>2505 S Brentwood Blvd, Brentwood, MO (South of the Galleria/North of Manchester on the west side of the road) START TIME: Doors open at 6:30 PM. Networking and Food from 6:30 to 7:00 PM. Presentations start at 7:00 PM. THIS EVENT SPONSORED BY THE ST. LOUIS [...]

WIRED Monthly Happy Hour

What is WIRED? Women in Real Estate Development We are women already in the commercial real estate industry; investing, developing, or brokering real estate deals OR women looking to be mentored to get directly involved! And we are a mentoring group for women who aspire to be brokers, developers, or investors! We focus on commercial [...]

Monthly Meeting

Virtual online, Kansas City, MO, United States

Open to all property owners in the State of Missouri 1. Welcome 2. Committee Reports 3. Legislative 4. Bill Tracking 5. Day on the Hill 6. Positive PR 7. Membership Growth 8. Funding for Organization Please Pre-Register at the GoToWebinar Link to Participate https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2236742387813511425

Real Estate PROP-erty Shop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Don't miss out finding out what other people have (in terms of deals, money, buying ability, and knowledge) and what they want so you can build better relationships with them. Come find the things you need and offer your value to others. Kinda like a prop shop for real estate investors. The purpose is to [...]

Faster Buyers Club Monthly Meeting

The Waterbury Meeting Center 830 Waterbury Falls Drive, O'Fallon, Missouri

Meeting Agenda 6:00 – 6:30 pm Check-in and enjoy food/drinks 6:30 – 8:30 pm Meeting / Presentation 8:30 – 10:00 pm Drinks and Unstructured Networking The unstructured networking time gives everyone a chance to meet new investors and catch up with fellow investors. You can talk to contractors, wholesalers, rehabbers, and landlords because everyone is there to help [...]