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MAREI’s Monthly Meeting – Speed Networking for Toys for Tots
December 12, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Supercharge Your Real Estate Connections, join us at MAREI’s annual Speed Networking Event on Tuesday, December 12th.
Come armed with business cards, icebreakers, and your elevator pitch for the speed round. Come away with information on what 100+ of your peers have to offer or need so you can do business in 2024.
This is a totally free event to register, but we are asking everyone to bring a new unwrapped toy or to make a donation online at [www.MAREI.org/Toys](http://www.marei.org/Toys?fbclid=IwAR1RH6dREZtMA_EXYgPKcu9wJxRsnmGZug-Jy_W41ZG0snfks49py59aOZM)
Mark yourself going, Invite a friend, but remember you have to go to [MAREI.org/DecMtg](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FMAREI.org%2FDecMtg%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2UYSkDhMfam0XGhNoimDGZxIdzZYI0CSaJLMXjRcEhA6tdmc-cr0So3k4&h=AT0lMOo0Ci904blLF9VEv_bZ415xyDh8r9KlFBk2VhvNK1_HX6hJYDCJY06TwGFiOlbWYK2_xEr2j8JEw4A9f7wLsPRs2AZ_Y8Vk2TmFSfZ6Z31ugXYzPIhYRXQVOz1Jcjw3j8M6O0u9thI4ENNY&__tn__=q&c%5B0%5D=AT28jkL4RT1VFYfe53Yem7l4n2w5zcghT_eeagnH5E5gO7e0wwri9fMSnYKQg0MkrYA9MOMMkmy0W5bG6N1nf1ZOGJCiQ6SPJ5dMNxAcaG6praEyNZ5rySzVIGgbindqFDUplyxUMDGydCmqNId2U8I6Hzht) to get your name on the RSVP List.