Home Resource Network Weekly Meeting

ACA Business Club of Overland Park 6840 W 105th St, Overland Park, Kansas

The Home Resource Network is all about bringing together anyone interested in any facet of real estate. Networking is absolutely essential to empowerment in a field that has made more [...]

Springfield Real Estate Investor Group – Women in Real Estate

La Paloma Mexican Grill 3014 E Sunshine, Springfield, Missouri

Women In Real Estate meets every month to share, learn and grow their investing businesses. 6 pm on the second Tuesday of every month at  La Paloma Mexican Grill 3014 E [...]

Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup

Topic: Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85165619556?pwd=VitIR3haSFBoeDdOb0lNRk04bGRaZz09 Meeting ID: 851 6561 9556 Passcode: hh3uzn One tap mobile +16469313860,,85165619556#,,,,*540083# [...]

MAREI Virtual Live

New feature for MAREI and our Kansas City Real Estate Investors Facebook Group. We will be hosting a live meeting on zoom with a guest speaker and Q & A. [...]

REL 520, REL 695, and STLIPA Monthly Meeting

Brentwood Parks & Recreation 2505 S Brentwood Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri

NEW LOCATION...NEW LOCATION...NEW LOCATION... >>>>>>>>>>>Brentwood Parks & Recreation Department, >>>>>>>>>>>2505 S Brentwood Blvd, Brentwood, MO (South of the Galleria/North of Manchester on the west side of the road) START TIME: [...]

WIRED Monthly Happy Hour

What is WIRED? Women in Real Estate Development We are women already in the commercial real estate industry; investing, developing, or brokering real estate deals OR women looking to be [...]

Faithful Home Buyers KC Investor Happy Hour

Faithful Homebuyers KC Office 8357 NW Barrybrooke Dr, Kansas City, Misssouri

Investing in real estate takes guts, and connections. Lets obtain financial freedom together