Real Estate Mastermind Club 🗝

Off Markets Deals⑇Pitch Your Deals Funding for Your Deals = Money! Got a real estate problem? Ask for help from pros and veterans. Buy Sell Here ~ Contractors ~ Haves [...]

Home Resource Network Weekly Meeting

ACA Business Club of Overland Park 6840 W 105th St, Overland Park, Kansas

The Home Resource Network is all about bringing together anyone interested in any facet of real estate. Networking is absolutely essential to empowerment in a field that has made more [...]

Financial Hackers Monthly Meeting

Ozarks House Buyers 2101 W Chesterfield Street, Suite A201, Springfield, Missouri

Financial Hackers is a group that learns and implements financial strategies to attain financial freedom quicker and easier. Each month a financial or personal productivity “hack” is presented followed by [...]

Landlords Inc Monthly Meeting

Veterans of Foreign Wars National Headquarters 406 W 34th St, Kansas City, Missouri

Location: Hybrid Zoom and In Person New Location: VFW Building 406 W 34th St on the mezzanine level and online via Zoom Time: 6:30 pm

Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup

Topic: Joplin Area REIA Weekly Zoom Meetup Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 851 6561 9556 Passcode: hh3uzn One tap mobile +16469313860,,85165619556#,,,,*540083# [...]

MAREI Virtual Live

New feature for MAREI and our Kansas City Real Estate Investors Facebook Group. We will be hosting a live meeting on zoom with a guest speaker and Q & A. [...]

Real Estate Mastermind Club 🗝

Off Markets Deals⑇Pitch Your Deals Funding for Your Deals = Money! Got a real estate problem? Ask for help from pros and veterans. Buy Sell Here ~ Contractors ~ Haves [...]

Elevate REI Facebook Live

I'll be talking about the current real estate market and providing insights into current trends. I'll also be answering any questions you may have.